
Friday, November 19, 2010

The Bible contains a lot of concepts and truths which are hard to swallow for many. Topics such as murder, sexuality, stealing etc. strikes a nerve with a people who just refuse to believe that a supreme God would just make laws that would rain on their parade. Even people who claims to be Christians are saying that not everything in the Bible is meant to be taken literally. However, it has been my observation that these people would only listen to what they want to hear. They filter the scriptures according to their own liking. God is a God of love, that is very true but God also hates sin. No where in the bible where you would find a passage that says that we must tolerate sin. No! Romans 12:9 says to "Hate is is evil; cling to what is good". This passage already tells us that God hates sin but he loves the sinner. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. In no way God is saying that we should tolerate sin in any form. Just like Christ, I love the sinner but I hate the sin. when somebody heard me say that, she said that I can't have the sinner without the sin  nor sin without the sinner. She even went further by saying that even Jesus taught tolerance and acceptance. In one way she is true but Christ never said that we should love sin. I guess some people just can't handle the truth.

I have also heard from others that we should be bearer of good news as they quoted from the book of Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who brings tidings, who proclaim salvation. They are right about that. But, we also have a duty to tell others about God's wrath against sin and those who commit them and that they are to repent just as God has called the prophets as his ambassadors to warn people. As I've mentioned earlier; people only hear what they want to hear. They only want to hear of God's love and not his wrath. This can be very dangerous because they shun the gospel and doesn't want to be told to changed their ways. Scripture says that satan is like a roaring lion seeking someone whom he can devoir. The enemy is desparate to bring us down with him and will try just about every tactic to accomplish this. Including manipulating and twisting the true message of the gospel.

It is a sad fact that so many individuals are corrupted in their ways and doesn't want to see the truth because they want to do things their own way without God. The question is; are you going to be like those people or are you gonna turn from yourself to Christ? The choice is your my friend. You can turn to God by asking Him to come into your hearts and take control of your life. Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him. - Revelations 3:20 Accepting Him into your life is a matter of choice and of course, trust.

God's Chisel

It is my prayer that this video has ministered to you just as it had to me.