
Monday, January 10, 2011

Challenges and Responsibilities of Leaders.

With great powers comes great responsibilities. This is a truth that Spider Man has learned shortly after acquiring his powers. I guess the same thing holds true for people who are in leadership roles. We often have to deal with situations that are not so pleasant but it must be done for it is a part of our responsibilities as leaders. We make decisions which may or may not please everybody, there will always be critics, people who would judge us if we did a good job or not. Most of the time though, critics would always have something negative to say. Maturity and wisdom are traits that a leader or a potential leader must have in handling different scenarios.

Leadership roles can sometimes be stressful as we have to wrestle with a lot of things that would take us out of our comfort zone. There would be times as well that the things that you deal with in an office or in an organization would be following you when you are at home and craves for rest. One thing is certain, leadership is not something that is easy. We would make mistakes on the job but we must be flexible enough to learn from our mistakes and not be rattled so much by it. There is always something to learn.

King Solomon, a great and powerful king had to deal with a lot of issues everyday and I think that he found it stressful which is why he asked God for wisdom in performing his duties as a king. Solomon placed his confidence and trust in the Lord and as a result, God granted him success. In my position as head usher for the first service, of the Union Church of Manila I am sure that I would be facing situations that will put me to the test. My integrity and motives as a leader would sometimes be challenged but I know that God placed me in this position to teach me valuable lessons about life and leadership. leadership in the form of a servant and not some self appointed exalted leader. I pray for wisdom as I go about my duties as the lord's servant.