
Sunday, December 5, 2010

New tasks, New challenges

Ever since I took on the task of being head usher for the first morning worship at the Union Church of Manila, I knew it was going to be a bit challenging role but I took it anyway and I somehow knew that the Lord wanted me to take it as well. Getting people to wake up early on a Sunday morning is already a challenge in it self but then again; this people volunteered for the task of ushering so it is their responsibility to wake up. But what is more challenging for me right now is calling up and assigning ushers for duties, since I do not have that much people who are available and truly committed in their roles. I guess I can't blame some of them since they have other commitments as well. What I need to do is get more ushers and I am happy because I have already recruited five more already and I am hoping that I can get more.

One of the things that I plan to do to improve ushering for the first service is to conduct an ushers orientation for new and existing ushers to get them more acquainted with their roles and identify some weak points in our current set up and make the necessary improvements. It is a challenging role for me but exciting at the same time. I know that there are no accidents with the Lord and my role right now as head usher has a purpose. Whatever that may be I have yet to find out but I can rest assured in the fact that God has a plan and that I will be learning somethings that are valuable in this new role that I am undertaking.

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