
Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let Justice be Served for the Vizcondes

As of 4:00pm today, December 14, 2010; Accused killer of the Vizconde family massacre has been acquitted of the crime he has been accused of and served time for fifteen years. I was surprised when I heard the news this afternoon and immediately thought of Mr. Lauro Vizconde and how he must feel in the midst of this. My heart goes out to Mr. Vizconde who taught that justice has been served after his family was brutally murdered; at the same time I can't also help but think if Hubert Webb is really innocent and how our justice system screwed up by sending an innocent man to prison.

The saying that crime does not pay may be true here in the Philippines; the criminal justice system still has a lot of flaws I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if some hotshots are able to manipulate the law in their favor. I think this is one of the reasons why I don't trust authorities here in my country because the officials them selves who runs our government are corrupt. It is my prayer that whoever really murdered the Vizconde family will have the courage to turn him self in and admit his guilt. As for the people claims to uphold the law, I hope that they would truly get their act together and prosecute the bad guys and let justice be served. No one, absolutely No one should be above the law.

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