
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life is a constant change. Nothing ever stays the same.

One of the things that I have learned in this life is that everything changes so fast. Nothing ever stays the same, life is a constant change. The world and it's occupants just can't stand still; everything comes and goes and it makes you wonder, "what happened?" Change can be frustrating at times especially if the changes that you've been experiencing are not so pleasant ones. The things that you posses, the kind of job that you want, the way people treat you; oh yeah! believe it or not; the way people feel about you changes often and it usually hurts. One day you feel like your on top of a mountain because who feel so special and loved then the next thing you know is your down in a valley of despair and can't find your way back up.

Dealing with the way people changes their attitude towards you is one of the hardest things to live with. I've had experiences in the past when certain individuals treat you so nice then poof! You wake up and it's gone. You know the feeling; they would say and do all kinds of things that would make you feel so warm inside then all of a sudden everything changes without warning. How could this have happened? What did I do to deserve this? These are just some of the questions that one would ask after going through something like this. People would let you down. That's for sure! Experiences like this would always make you struggle for a while until you find the answers. That is if you ever find them.

So what can you do when someone close to you has turned cold? In my case, I've tried talking to them but I would always get the ever so familiar  response "nothing has changed, your just being paranoid" but deep down inside you says that there is something and that person is just not being completely honest with you. I guess you could say that I have tried all I can but nothing happened. if someone can give me answers then please do make a comment on this blog entry. One of the things that I have learned from situations such as these is that Christ is the only one that remains faithful to us like a friend who sticks closer than a brother. People may come and go in your life but Jesus is always there and he cares like no one else on this earth does.

Life always changes but the Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Now that is something you can count on. The love that Jesus has for us will always remain the same; it's not like we can do anything to earn hi love, we already have it. It is an unconditional love. I'm not saying that we should lose faith in others and start living our lives isolated from the rest of the world, No! We are to show love to other people like Christ does. Christ also lived a life where he experienced being denied and abandoned just like what his closest apostles did to him. if he experienced something like that then how can we say that he doesn't understand us? He does understands and he also feels our pains. Knowing that Christ also felt  the same things is something that I can take comfort in. let's face it; life is a constant change. The things that we have here today no matter what they may be will be gone tomorrow but Jesus Christ will always be there.

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