
Saturday, January 15, 2011

Smokers in public transports. A real pain in the butt.

Today was one of those rare days that I take public transport and It wasn't a pleasant experience. As I got on to a jeepney this morning, I could smell the fowl odor of cigarette smoke. I looked around to see where it was coming from and I saw this guy seating at the entrance of the jeepney with a cigarette in hand. I was on the verge of asking him to stop but I didn't get that chance because the driver of the jeepney that I was on asked us to transfer to another jeepney because there were only a few of us.

As we got off the jeepney to transfer to another one, I told my self that if this guy continues to smoke then I would not hesitate to tell him to stop. Good thing he got rid of it before we boarded. As far as I know, smoking in public places and transportations are not allowed. if your caught smoking, you wither pay a fine or spend the night in jail. if this is still in effect then jeepney drivers should remind their customers about this law.

Smokers will say that they have a right to smoke if they chose to. If they want to kill themselves with cigarette smoke then they shouldn't bring others to the grave with them. People like them are very rude, whatever happened to the phrase "you mind if I ______? I'm guessing that if I had politely asked that guy to refrain from smoking while inside the jeepney, he would feel offended and would start a quarrel or a fight with me. Some citizens just don't have any manners at all.

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