
Sunday, February 13, 2011

My initial book review of the book "How now shall we live" by Charles Colson

Different life systems compete for our minds. Unless we consciously and consistently choose a biblical system for seeing all of life, we will be influenced by destructive world views around us. - Taken from Charles Colson's "How now shall we live?"

This is a truth that we cannot deny.  The question is, whose voice are we listening to? Are we so blinded by the world's standards? Most of us don't see life and everything that goes on around us from a biblical point of view. We would rather see the world from our own understanding, from our own point of view rather than what the bible tells us. 

The human race have become so obscure to the ideas of Christian teachings; we see it as something that is not applicable or not to be followed at all because the teachings are old. Some would say that biblical teachings are not to be taken seriously. people who say such things are blinded by this world we live in. We only see what we want to see.

I just started doing a series of studies at church today on Charles Colson's book "How now shall we live?" The book shows us how to understand biblical faith as an entire world view, a perspective on all of life. I am still in the first unit of this book but it has already given me a lot to think about. How do you define world view? In order to answer that, we have to ask ourselves three questions to give more meaning to our own definition: 

  • Where do we come from?
  • What has gone wrong?
  • What can we do about it?

Know the answers to these questions and you will come up with a clear understanding of your worldview. There are however two ways we can answer these questions. Do we answer them from a naturalist world view or from a biblical world view?  The study also tells us that Worldview controls what we see. Our worldview serves as the lens through which we see our circumstances and events. Our worldvieew controls the media of our minds. It filters information and colors what we perceive. Intriguing huh? I'm looking forward to studying some more as the days go by.

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