Thursday, February 3, 2011

Life lessons from the past.

Don't you just wish sometimes that you can turn back the clock and correct the mistakes that you have made? I have done a lot of things in the past which I am not proud of and I have often wondered what would my life be like right now if I have done things differently in the past. All the things we did would have a profound effect on how we live today right? The decisions we have made, the way we conducted our selves, the kid of food that we ate, the friends that we had etc.

Michael J. Fox's character in the movie back to the future had a chance to set things right when he traveled back in time when he came across a time machine. When I saw that movie I was like Wow! I wish I could get to do that! But then again the sad truth would always hit us right in the face. We have to learn from our mistakes. Now that is reality. All the things that have happened before are suppose to shape us for our future. We can't just snap our fingers and fix the things that we have done wrong; there is a lesson to be learned. A valuable lesson which we can only learn from the past.