
Wednesday, December 29, 2010

New Year, New Physical Challenges.

I'm not the type to make new year resolutions cause I am unable to keep them; but I am hoping that I would have more discipline in the coming year. As I grow older, I find my self being more responsible in some new roles that I am undertaking. I hope to achieve the same kind of discipline and responsibility in getting into shape. I am not getting any younger but I still want to be athletic and become more competitive in my sport and getting a new body. One that doesn't just look good but a powerful one.

I will be joining the U.P. Judo Team in TRX training under Coach Armand and will be taking up powerlifting as well. My Dad has always encouraged me to get a good looking body ever since I was a teenager but I was to lazy to get into the program for a regular workout. TRX and powerlifting would demand a lot of me but nobody ever said that it's going to be easy. No pain, no gain. I would really have to wake up early for this since I live very far from U.P. but I will try my best to make things work out. I'm hoping that this is something that I would really stick to like a glue and not give up. 2011 is going to be a year of new challenges for me; physical challenges that is.

Monday, December 27, 2010

Disturbance of the peace in the form of parties.

Here in the Philippines, there is no such thing as disturbance of the peace. People here would just party at night until the wee hours in the morning with their videoke machine set to it's loudest. They don't care if people get some sleep as long as they have the time of their lives in their merry making. This was the case in our village last night; because of it, I didn't really get to sleep much. I can hear the bad singing until 3:00am so I decided to call the Baranggay Tanods (village police) hoping that they would put an end to the music from hell. To my dismay, they didn't ask them to call it quits, they just asked the party goers to keep it down. This is totally unacceptable!

Why do people have to start a party late at night and disturb the good people who are already in bed? From what I noticed, it was the local gang members who were having a party and the baranggay are to afraid to restrain them. A bunch of cowards that's what they are. They can't do their jobs well. Most Filipinos are not considerate of their neighbors. I say this because it happens everywhere, not just here in our village. The holidays is not a reason for out of control merry making just like what these people are doing.

Sunday, December 26, 2010

Missing my childhood Christmas days

Christmas in the eyes of a child are full of joy. The joys of being with cousins and playing with them during family reunions, the thrill of opening presents coming from my Mom and Dad and from aunts and uncles and other relatives. These are some things that I miss now that I am an adult. Don't get me wrong though, I still look forward every year to Christmas and I still love it; it's just that it's different when your a child. As a child, you don't have to worry about preparations for the holidays; all you have to do is sit back, relax and enjoy what's in store for you.

We would always have two reunions during the holidays back then. On Christmas day it self, we would be at Tito Rio's place with my first cousins; then on new years day, we would be at Tita Paulita's house in Mandaluyong or Uncle Dido's with the rest of our cousins. I can still remember the days when when my cousins and I would run around the house and play or watch movies in a betamax (those things were hot back then) One of the highlights of those days was falling in line for Christmas gifts and eagerly opening them to see what new toy we got. man! I really miss those days and I wish that I could go back in time and re-live them. Right now, all I have are memories of the good old days.; Christmas in the eyes of a child.

Friday, December 24, 2010

I wish it is Christmas everyday of the year.

Christmas is finally here one again! I really love the atmosphere that the Christmas Spirit brings. You can feel it everywhere you go. Is it the decorations, the Christmas trees, the Christmas carols or the cheerful spirit in each individual? Whatever it is, I wish it was like this all year long. Christmas is a time when every body forgets all about their trouble and try to be happy despite their present circumstances in life.

For Christians, Christmas is all about celebrating the birth of our savior Jesus Christ who came into this world. But I also hear stories about non-Christian countries also getting into the spirit of the season.It only shows you that no such person in history has truly made an impact in the world the way that Jesus has! It's a phenomenon! I really wish that it was like this everyday of the year but we have to face the reality that it isn't. Oh well, I am still thankful and looking forward to this season even though it is just once a year. merry CHRISTmas everyone!

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

Being Thankful For all Circumstances.

1 Thessalonians 5:18 says Be thankful in all circumstances, for this is God's will for you who belong to Christ Jesus. This is something that I recalled from scripture as I think about my present circumstance in life. I may not be so blessed financially like others and I am having a hard time making both ends meet in the family. As I lay down in my bed with my thoughts lifted up to the Lord and just being honest with him, I ask him. Why does life has to be so hard, my Lord? I didn't get a burning bush answer but instead I was reminded to give thanks in all circumstances. That was loud and clear enough for me to hear. We always thank the Lord for every good blessing that comes along our way even for small things; but when was the last time we thanked him for the bad things? Sounds difficult huh? It is!

Saying thank you God in the midst of difficult situations is acknowledging his greatness over everything. To be thankful in grief, in need, in sickness is to fully trust him that he is there no matter what and that somehow, things will be okay. This is a hard concept I have to admit but nevertheless, it is a commandment and we must follow if we claim that we trust God. I like the idea that God welcomes our honesty, that we can pour out our feelings, our frustrations, our deepest hurts and longings towards him and that he is there to listen. This is what I found my self doing earlier as I cry out to the Lord. My life, just like everyone else is filled with pain and grief in every form. You know what? I feel better after casting my burdens on him. My problems are still there, my circumstances hasn't changed yet but I feel better knowing that a loving Father, a loving God is there for me. They say that pain is there to mold us and I have to agree that that is true.

Again, when was the last time we were thankful to the Lord for the not so good things that are happening in our lives? it's been a while for me, that much I have to admit. I tend to complain and pout like a little child when things don't go my way. Today the Lord has reminded me; to thank him is to trust him. He is teaching me and reminding me that in this world we will always have trouble but to take heart cause he has overcome the world. All that he asks from you and me is to thank him in every circumstances. God knows your name, He knows our every thought, He sees each tear that falls and hears you when you call.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

How to overcome December Traffic.

December is really a bad month to be driving or taking public transport because of all the traffic that you see everywhere. It will take you an hour or two to get to point A to point B. It is just so bad really. Traffic is already bad enough all through out the year but December is the worst. So how do we resolve this? The government can't do anything as we already know so it is up t us citizens to do something about it. I AM ONE LESS CAR. Think about that and let it sink in to our brains. There are obviously to many cars on the road already which is we we get so much traffic and of course, pollution.

In this day and age, the only way for us to really get around and avoid the major headaches in the streets of metro Manila is to hop on to a good old, pollution free and gas free transport called a bicycle. It may be slower than a car but it sure is a lot faster in the city with the streets clogged by cars and all. I have been bike commuting for almost two years now and I can tell you that it saves me money and gives me a good workout! I find it very practical even if I have to ride under heavy rain. Riding a bike to work or school may not be for everybody because of the glamor that a car has to offer but riding a bike makes more sense for the wise and practical.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Why do people join fraternities if they are known for violent acts?

Why do people have the need or desire to join a fraternity? What attracts them to join a group that get themselves involved in violent acts such as fraternity wars, hazing and humiliating initiation rituals for the sake of what they call brotherhood? These are just some of the questions that come into my mind ever since I became aware of the existence of these organizations.There are a lot of fraternities out there who are infamous with violent acts such as frat wars and gang rapes as well as bullying other people. I don't know what it's like in other countries but here in our own country, fraternities are more like a street gang.

When I was in high school, I got into several fights with fraternity members when they try to bully me. I have to say that I have not and will not be intimidated by bullies of any form. From what I have heard, there are some fraternities that are not like that and I do hope that is true. Campus Crusade for Christ started out sharing the gospel to fraternities in the 60s and is still continuing to do so. Knowing how some fraternities are engaged in violent acts, why would people still join them if their only reason is to belong? Could that be the real reason for joining? Your guess is as good as mine.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

Looking forward to 2011.

As the year 2010 comes to an end and welcomes another year, I can't help but wonder what the year 2011 has in store for my life. The past years have always proven challenging for me and I don't think that that will change. All of us would have challenges one way or another. With that in mind, I would simply like to stress that it's the kind of attitude that we display in facing challenges that would reveal our very own nature. I am not the type to make new years resolutions since I cannot keep them but I would like to try to recall all the has happened in my past and make changes for the better. Maybe not in my current status in life in terms of career or financial gain but as a person, as an individual.

I believe that it is human nature to strive for perfection; perfection however would all depend upon each individuals point of view. I for one would like to have perfection in my attitude towards life in my quest to be more like Christ each day. Some people have this concept that nobody is perfect. There is some truth in that, however, people tend to use it as an excuse not to better them selves because they think that it is a hopeless task. If that is the kind of attitude that every man and woman have then we will never ever be truly happy because we would be stuck and not able to move on at all. What are you looking forward to in the coming year? What expectations you have? Some people would consult mediums to tell their fortunes for them which is totally bull. Our future is what we make of it and no fortune teller can tell us how we should live because they can't. We alone together with God's guidance can stir us into the right path for the coming year. Out your hope, your future into Christ's capable hands. trust and obey for there in no other way.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Let Justice be Served for the Vizcondes

As of 4:00pm today, December 14, 2010; Accused killer of the Vizconde family massacre has been acquitted of the crime he has been accused of and served time for fifteen years. I was surprised when I heard the news this afternoon and immediately thought of Mr. Lauro Vizconde and how he must feel in the midst of this. My heart goes out to Mr. Vizconde who taught that justice has been served after his family was brutally murdered; at the same time I can't also help but think if Hubert Webb is really innocent and how our justice system screwed up by sending an innocent man to prison.

The saying that crime does not pay may be true here in the Philippines; the criminal justice system still has a lot of flaws I guess. I wouldn't be surprised if some hotshots are able to manipulate the law in their favor. I think this is one of the reasons why I don't trust authorities here in my country because the officials them selves who runs our government are corrupt. It is my prayer that whoever really murdered the Vizconde family will have the courage to turn him self in and admit his guilt. As for the people claims to uphold the law, I hope that they would truly get their act together and prosecute the bad guys and let justice be served. No one, absolutely No one should be above the law.

The true reason for Christmas

It's that time of year again. A time of year where friends, employees and families gather together in an almost month long of gift giving and merry making. What is the reason why we party anyway? Do we ever stop and ask our selves what is the reason behind for celebrating the season? Are we the kind of people that just party because we want to and everybody else is doing it? If we are indeed like this then I feel sad for all of us. Most of us don't even remember the true reason why we are celebrating Christmas and it's significance in the lives of mankind.

More than two thousand years ago, a little boy was born in a town called  Bethlehem. This boy was Jesus Christ, the lamb of God. In the midst of all the merry making , let us stop and ponder upon the true reason for the season.. Christmas is not about a satanic creation called santa claus and frosty the snowman. Christmas is all about Jesus and Jesus alone.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Lessons from Joseph The Dreamer.

As I listen to tunes from the musical Joseph The Dreamer; I can't help but ponder on the message of the songs and how it relates to Joseph's life which was a roller coaster ride. He was up one moment then all of a sudden he was down. What strikes me most is how he never lost sight of The Lord despite the way he has been treated by his own brothers and how he was locked up in prison for many years. If I were in his shoes I would have wallowed in despair saying that I have been forgotten and that I'm done for.

The life of Joseph is an amazing story of faith and patience in suffering. The question is, what lessons are we getting from his life? God obviously wants us to persevere, to hang in there but it seems we tend to give up on the Lord easily. I know I have but God pulled me back from the dark pit that I was in. I don't usually understand why things happen as they do but I do know that whatever the reason is, God is always looking after us and that we are not alone. I guess it's only human nature to feel so down in trying times when all hope seems lost but we do get back up in the saddle after falling right? it takes time but we always get back up.

Now I don't know anyone who has gone through something like Joseph had but I do want to learn from Joseph and have the same perseverance and determination to hold on to his faith no matter what. Easier said than done? You bet! But I do want to be like that. I guess, we just always have to remember that when God closes a door or a chapter in our lives, he would always open a window so that we can see. But we have to see things from God's perspective not our own; for our own vision will lead us only in despair because we see with our own heart and not our minds. Emotion can be a dangerous thing sometimes if we rely on them to much and not the facts or the birds eye view tha God has laid before us. Think and see things from God's line of sight.

Thursday, December 9, 2010

Missing the 80's!

Some people say that I am stuck in the past, particularly the 80's. I can't say I blame them cause in some cases it is true. I miss a lot of things from the 80's like the music, the movies, the fashion etc... Don't get me wrong though, even though I like the fashion back in those days I don't go around today wearing tight jeans with colorful jackets and sneakers. As a kid who grew up in the 80's I can definitely say that that generation was a lot more decent than today. Just watch the movies and listen to the music and you'll know what I'm talking about. Even Filipino 80's movies had a lot more sense back then. Something that you don't see in this day and age anymore.

Talk to me about the music and artists of today and chances are you would hear me say WHO???? That's right! I have no idea who or what is popular these days in terms of music because I don't listen to the radio anymore. I only listen to music like Duran-Duran, Spandau Ballet, Rick Astley, Aha and the like. I guess I am stuck in the past. If I had a time machine, I would travel back to the days of glory, a decade that's full of parties and good clean fun. Sigh... I wish that I could turn back the clock and bring the wheels of time to a stop.

Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Bike Commutting for Clean Air.

Smog and traffic are just two of the things that every citizen has to go through everywhere we go. The city streets are clogged with vehicles of different shapes and sizes which pollute the atmosphere that we breath. Fortunately, there is an alternative form of transport that we can use to get around without having to get stuck in heavy traffic. It also promotes clean air and good health. I am talking about a marvelous invention called the bicycle.

I have been using my bike to commutte for more than a year now and I have to say that I enjoy it a lot and saves me money which I can spend on other things. I rarely take a jeepney or a bus these days and I can get to my destination faster than any commutter in the city. I'm also happy to say that I am not one of those people who emmits bad fumes from motorized transports causing health problems. There are however some people who do not like the idea of bike commuting simply because of glamor. They would rather be seen driving fancy cars with the lates gizmos than be seen on a two weel, led power vehicle and a helmet. Sure, they might have other reasons for not getting into a bike like safety and hygine; but for me these are just minor. Some people would say that they don't want to arrive at work all sweaty and that they don't have shower facilities. These are all valid concerns but is that really the real reason why they can't get on the saddle and pedal?

There is a saying that "If there is a will, there is a way". I agree with that. If you really want to ride your bike to work there will always be solutions to the common reasons why not to bike. Bikers can always chose not to go fast so they won't be as sweaty when they arrive at their destination. If there is no shower room then they can always freshen up a little with moist towels and a fresh change of cloathes. Is bike parking the problem? Company or building premises would always have a security guard who will prevent intruders from coming in and protect everything in it's premises. There might not be bike racks in your building but I'm sure there would always be a small place where you can lock your bike.

I am not saying that we should get rid of cars, no! There are some cases where cars can still be used. Going with the family on trips, transporting equipments, etc are all valid reasons for driving. But the less cars on the roads then the chances of having clean air will be a reality and no longer a dream. Bike commuting can be for everyone. It's all a matter of having the proper mindset.

Monday, December 6, 2010

24 years of Judo!

January 2011 would mark my twenty fourth (24th) year anniversary since I started playing Judo. Man, I can't believe it's been that long already since I first put on my judogi and stepped into the tatami mats of a dojo. Looking back through all those years gives me fond memories of people that I have met and competed against in tournaments all for the sake of sportsmanship. I can still remember the days when I would always hit my head on the mat every time I would get thrown because I would always fail to tuck my head in. I remember my first tournament and how my opponent pinned me down causing me top lose the match. back in those days, there were no repercharge system. When you lose, that's it. We had a knock out system. Judokas today are lucky because they can still have a chance to fight again even when they lose a match.

My first instructor was Shigeru Takara Sensei who taught me the fine points of judo basics which included falling techniques and off balancing an opponent. I also had other good teachers like Mr. Maynardo Bugia, Mr. Luis Espiritu, Hiroyuki Watari Sensei, Yoji Yasho Sensei,The late Mr. Epi Quirante and Mr. levi Frias, Mr. Jose Rilloand of course; my uncle Dario Fajardo These were men who unselfishly shaared their knowledge about the sport and eager to develop good judokas. I have great respect for these men and will never forget the lessons they have taught me in my years of playing. I am practically retired from competitions already but there is this burning desire within me to go back to compete again. I am to old already and not in the best shape but I can train again and will see how things turn out. happy 24th judo anniversary to me!

Sunday, December 5, 2010

New tasks, New challenges

Ever since I took on the task of being head usher for the first morning worship at the Union Church of Manila, I knew it was going to be a bit challenging role but I took it anyway and I somehow knew that the Lord wanted me to take it as well. Getting people to wake up early on a Sunday morning is already a challenge in it self but then again; this people volunteered for the task of ushering so it is their responsibility to wake up. But what is more challenging for me right now is calling up and assigning ushers for duties, since I do not have that much people who are available and truly committed in their roles. I guess I can't blame some of them since they have other commitments as well. What I need to do is get more ushers and I am happy because I have already recruited five more already and I am hoping that I can get more.

One of the things that I plan to do to improve ushering for the first service is to conduct an ushers orientation for new and existing ushers to get them more acquainted with their roles and identify some weak points in our current set up and make the necessary improvements. It is a challenging role for me but exciting at the same time. I know that there are no accidents with the Lord and my role right now as head usher has a purpose. Whatever that may be I have yet to find out but I can rest assured in the fact that God has a plan and that I will be learning somethings that are valuable in this new role that I am undertaking.

Saturday, December 4, 2010

The need to get back into shape.

I seriously need to get back into shape for Judo. I practiced with the club last night. I did  falling practice which I don't normally do every time I go to the dojo. and on top of that I fought two heavy weights in two randori matches. Every muscle in my body right now aches which only shows that I am really, really out of shape. I am thankful nevertheless cause I got to practice again after almost two months since I got kicked in the knee. I also realized that I am not that strong anymore every time I would go up head to head against the big boys. It seems to me that I need to strengthen my pushing and pulling power again by pumping more iron.

I  have a lot of work to do to get back into Judo shape but it is something that I want to do more than a necessity. I really don't compete anymore but I do want to start doing it again cause I miss competing. It's to bad that it's almost the holiday season because I my practice sessions will be cut short cause of the 3 week vacation but I will make most of that time to develop more muscle power and my stamina and be ready for the next time I hit the tatamis next year.

Thursday, December 2, 2010

My First Christmas Party for the month of December.

It's only the second day of December and I already attended my first Christmas party together with the hosts the Philippine Karatedo Team at their Dojo. It was a last minute plan as Coach Raymund told me while I was chatting with him in facebook last night. I and the other staff members of Athletes In Action we're invited to their simple get together in celebration of the holidays and their safe return from the Asian games in China. The team had a good time with the games that they had which was being led by Michelle who I think has a talent for hosting. The food of course was the star of the party especially with a lechon (roasted pig) being served. Yummy! I've grown quite attached to this guys since we have one thing in common, we all are practitioners of the martial arts and share a common language. Keep on training hard. All of you and may you really be good examples of what we call a Total Athlete!

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Life is a constant change. Nothing ever stays the same.

One of the things that I have learned in this life is that everything changes so fast. Nothing ever stays the same, life is a constant change. The world and it's occupants just can't stand still; everything comes and goes and it makes you wonder, "what happened?" Change can be frustrating at times especially if the changes that you've been experiencing are not so pleasant ones. The things that you posses, the kind of job that you want, the way people treat you; oh yeah! believe it or not; the way people feel about you changes often and it usually hurts. One day you feel like your on top of a mountain because who feel so special and loved then the next thing you know is your down in a valley of despair and can't find your way back up.

Dealing with the way people changes their attitude towards you is one of the hardest things to live with. I've had experiences in the past when certain individuals treat you so nice then poof! You wake up and it's gone. You know the feeling; they would say and do all kinds of things that would make you feel so warm inside then all of a sudden everything changes without warning. How could this have happened? What did I do to deserve this? These are just some of the questions that one would ask after going through something like this. People would let you down. That's for sure! Experiences like this would always make you struggle for a while until you find the answers. That is if you ever find them.

So what can you do when someone close to you has turned cold? In my case, I've tried talking to them but I would always get the ever so familiar  response "nothing has changed, your just being paranoid" but deep down inside you says that there is something and that person is just not being completely honest with you. I guess you could say that I have tried all I can but nothing happened. if someone can give me answers then please do make a comment on this blog entry. One of the things that I have learned from situations such as these is that Christ is the only one that remains faithful to us like a friend who sticks closer than a brother. People may come and go in your life but Jesus is always there and he cares like no one else on this earth does.

Life always changes but the Lord is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. Now that is something you can count on. The love that Jesus has for us will always remain the same; it's not like we can do anything to earn hi love, we already have it. It is an unconditional love. I'm not saying that we should lose faith in others and start living our lives isolated from the rest of the world, No! We are to show love to other people like Christ does. Christ also lived a life where he experienced being denied and abandoned just like what his closest apostles did to him. if he experienced something like that then how can we say that he doesn't understand us? He does understands and he also feels our pains. Knowing that Christ also felt  the same things is something that I can take comfort in. let's face it; life is a constant change. The things that we have here today no matter what they may be will be gone tomorrow but Jesus Christ will always be there.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

The people who hate us.

I cant understand what makes a man hate another man help me understand. These are lines from a popular Tears for Fears song. I have to say that I can relate with the composer of this song cause I have experiences in my life where people would just hate you for unknown reasons. I'm sure that I am not the only one who has felt the chill in the spine whenever we would come across people like this. Even people whom you have never met in your life will even treat you this way the moment they first laid their eyes on you. You'll know the signs almost immediately; they won't talk to you even if you try and break the ice, they would gossip about you, they don't make eye contact. I mean, what is it with this people? Why can anyone be so mean?

These kind of people are everywhere you go, in the office, in the gym, in school, their everywhere! It's a sad fact that they exist and I can never understand why they act this way. Is it just paranoia? I don't think so; the bible says that you should treat others as you would want them to treat you, I guess that they just haven't heard of that or they just completely ignore it. No matter how irritating they are because of the way they treat you, we are still to love them because Christ loved us first and He still does. It's hard to love difficult people but are we not difficult ourselves when it comes to God's standards? Think about it; we have fallen short of God's glory. Romans 3:23. God also commanded us to love one another as it says in 1 John 4:7. If people hate our guts then let us just pray for them and continue to show love as the Lord commands us to do no matter how difficult it is. God knows I am trying my very best and I do want to love others the way Christ loves me.

Monday, November 29, 2010

A long weekend of rest for most Pinoys

It's been a relaxing day today for most Filipinos as we take a break from work because of  Bonifacio day. It's a long weekend and I woudln't be surprised if a lot of people took advantage of it by going out of town with their families. I can't say I blame them cause they all work so hard and needs a break. For somebody like me though who is no longer part of the corporate world, I really don't look forward to holidays anymore. Not that I am a bum, I actually have the best job in the world as a servant of Jesus Christ by spreading the love of the gospel. I guess, I just really enjoy what I'm doing now compared to when I was a slave to someone else. Because I enjoy what I do so much I don't feel stressed anymore, but just like any other human being; I also need rest.

I wanted to go out and ride my bike today but nobody from my cycling buddies had any plans today so I just decided to stay home. I didn't do much today except go online and slept and watched the movie 300 on my computer. It has been such a lazy day for me I don't often get to do this. I have a feeling that the following year would be busy for me in terms of ministry work. But like I said, I enjoy what I am doing now and I do it because I love Christ and want others to know Him as well.

Saturday, November 27, 2010

Pushing ones self to the limit

As an athlete; I have encountered a lot of situations in my life that makes me give up because of different reasons. I always say whine by saying: this is just to much work, I can't take it anymore, I'm to tired. Sounds familiar huh? I have also seen the same excuse in other athletes. We all want to succeed in out athletic endeavors but we always go for a shortcut in achieving success. Sports, just like life is not about shortcuts. We have to push ourselves to the limit by working really hard. We have to make a solid commitment, we have to undergo tremendous pain and sweat it our really hard. I am writing about this as I was facilitating a series on what we call The Total Athlete for the University of The Philippines Judo Team. Our lesson last night focused on overcoming the barriers that would hinder an athlete from performing his best. Several physical barriers were brought up including a weak upper body, lack of stamina, pain etc. We also paid close attention to preparation. Making the necessary preparations and training to overcome those physical barriers. Preparations that are hard but necessary nevertheless.

As we were talking about those things that would prevent us from achieving athletic excellence, I was reminded of my own weaknesses and how I give up so easily when the going gets tough. God reminded me on what I need to do to accomplish certain things and that there is no easy road to take. No shortcuts to success. The Bible says that faith without action is useless. James 2:17. We cannot take things easily just because we are Christians and that God would see us through. We keep praying and asking God to help us and that we put our faith in Him. No! Faith must be supported by action! Remember the old saying? God helps those who help them selves. I guess this holds through because we just can't sit back and let God do everything. That's not the way he works in our lives.

Not all athletes may become a national champion but a total athlete will make the most of the talent that he has and give God his best. A total athlete will always have God's best interest at heart because he loves God. The Bible says that whatever we do, we should do it wholeheartedly and do our best as if working for the lord and not for men. An athlete's life is never easy, he will often encounter barriers along the way, barriers that could either make or break him. Are you trying to get pass each barrier by working hard or are you giving up? A Christian lives by faith and not by sight because what we see can often stop us from reaching our goals. Check out this video to understand what I mean.

Keeping your eyes on your goal can be good but it can also be bad if you let it affect you negatively because you seemed overwhelmed by the great task ahead of you. In this video, the coach challenged his team to have the right attitude. Not just in training but in life as well. Brock, the guy in the blindfold who is carrying someone on his back wouldn't have made it to the end zone if he didn't have the blindfold on. he would have stopped because his mind and body would tell him that it is impossible. With the ongoing encouragement from his coach, he made it! In the same way, God is also motivating us just like a good coach would, our lives here on earth may be difficult but are you going to let that affect you by throwing in the towel? Keep going and work hard, never give up but always push your self to the limit.

Night Rides on my Mountain Bike

One of the things in this world that I enjoy doing is riding my bike. I bike almost everywhere I go and I hardly take public transport anymore. I ride my bike in almost any kind of weather and time of day but my favorite time of day to ride my bike is in the evening. Yup, you read it right., in the evenings. Riding my mountain bike at night gives me such a wonderful feeling which makes me really enjoy my night rides. Here are the reasons why I love night rides: The air is cooler, less cars on the roads, plus; I can go fast without feeling tired. The only thing that I have to deal with are the big bullies of the roads; Trucks! There are enough trucks out there to take on an entire road and bring danger to others but I manage to avoid them anyway. I am extra careful whenever I would ride my bike out in the concrete jungles of Metro manila cause drivers can be pretty unpredictable. I'm just glad that not many cyclists gets into accidents.

I ride my bike home in the evenings at least three times a week alone. Sometimes I would have the company of friends on a group night ride down here in the south just to have fun and ride like the wind. One of these days I'm going to organize a night ride going out of town to places like Tagaytay or Laguna with interested people. We leave at dawn, stay there to wherever we're going till late in the afternoon and ride bike home. I don't know how soon can I make that happen but all things come to him who waits I guess. For now, I just need to be content with my weekly night rides and enjoy it like I always do.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Lessons in patience

All of us I'm sure has experienced situations that would dampen our spirits. Circumstances that would rob us of our joy  and turn it into a rage that can get ugly and make us control. We deal with things like this everyday when we go out on the road to school or work, our friends and collegues and sometimes even our family. It is simply unavoidable and I guess what matters most is our attitude. Do we roll with the punch or do we fight back? Attitude is everything. How we deal with our everyday nerve racking experiences will greatly say something about our character. The bible commands us in James 1:19 to be quick to listen, slow to speak and slow to become angry. And then it goes on to say that man's anger does not produce the righteousness that God desires. Tough one huh? Believe me when i say that I am struggling with this just like everyone else.

So why am I writing something about patience if I my self don't have it?  Well...  I believe that I am a bad example and I want people to learn from me on "what you should not be doing", I am hoping that those of you who are reading this will do the right thing. I blow my top easily. I have a very short fuse for people who are irresponsible, inconsiderate, childish and so on. The list is long. If there is one thing that I have learned in dealing with situations and annoying people is that fighting fire with fire does not work. You get angry and then the fire will grow big. next thing you know you have a full scale war on your hands.

It's funny but we often pray to God to give us patience. When he answers our prayers we complain. The only way for God to answer our desire for patience is to put us in situations wherein we can develop our patience. We just don't have the right attitude in dealing with difficult situations. You already know how I respond but have you ever asked yourselves how you respond? Does your attitude show the kind of person you are? Are we loving enough to forget whatever bad thing came our way or do we retaliate with a force so powerful to start a war? I have prayed to God a lot to grant me patience and he is more than willing to help out. Just not in the way that I hope he would but he knows what is best. Who am I to say Lord, I have a better way. I guess, the most important thing to consider is are we learning to be patient in difficult situations. What did we learn and what areas of our attitude do we have to develop. Dealing with it on our own won't work. It is only by asking God for his strength to work in us. Are you about to blow your lid off? Ask God for help and have a genuine love for others. That's what I should be doing.

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Christ being introduced to the lives of Judokas.

I started my ministry with the University of the Philippines Judo Team yesterday with fourteen people in attendance. It is always a joy to share Christ to other people especially to my fellow athletes. Athletes, just like anyone else needs to hear the good news of the gospel and a good way to share this to them is through the ministry of Athletes In Action which can help them maximize their potential as athletes. To become champions not just in sports but to become champions in life as well.

I am so happy that the good news of Jesus Christ is finding it's way to the hearts and minds of the Judo Team. I am  praying that the gospel would really make a huge impact on their lives and influence others with a life that is lived for the glory of Christ. I am also praying that there will be more judo clubs in the Philippines wherein we at Athletes In Action could partner with and eventually lead the entire Philippine Judo Federation in a mighty spiritual revival. I am thankful for Coach Wowell Jingco for opening the doors of their dojo to us so that we can minister to them.

Friday, November 19, 2010

The Bible contains a lot of concepts and truths which are hard to swallow for many. Topics such as murder, sexuality, stealing etc. strikes a nerve with a people who just refuse to believe that a supreme God would just make laws that would rain on their parade. Even people who claims to be Christians are saying that not everything in the Bible is meant to be taken literally. However, it has been my observation that these people would only listen to what they want to hear. They filter the scriptures according to their own liking. God is a God of love, that is very true but God also hates sin. No where in the bible where you would find a passage that says that we must tolerate sin. No! Romans 12:9 says to "Hate is is evil; cling to what is good". This passage already tells us that God hates sin but he loves the sinner. "For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son; that whosoever believes in Him should not perish but have eternal life. In no way God is saying that we should tolerate sin in any form. Just like Christ, I love the sinner but I hate the sin. when somebody heard me say that, she said that I can't have the sinner without the sin  nor sin without the sinner. She even went further by saying that even Jesus taught tolerance and acceptance. In one way she is true but Christ never said that we should love sin. I guess some people just can't handle the truth.

I have also heard from others that we should be bearer of good news as they quoted from the book of Isaiah 52:7 "How beautiful on the mountains are the feet of those who bring good news, who proclaim peace, who brings tidings, who proclaim salvation. They are right about that. But, we also have a duty to tell others about God's wrath against sin and those who commit them and that they are to repent just as God has called the prophets as his ambassadors to warn people. As I've mentioned earlier; people only hear what they want to hear. They only want to hear of God's love and not his wrath. This can be very dangerous because they shun the gospel and doesn't want to be told to changed their ways. Scripture says that satan is like a roaring lion seeking someone whom he can devoir. The enemy is desparate to bring us down with him and will try just about every tactic to accomplish this. Including manipulating and twisting the true message of the gospel.

It is a sad fact that so many individuals are corrupted in their ways and doesn't want to see the truth because they want to do things their own way without God. The question is; are you going to be like those people or are you gonna turn from yourself to Christ? The choice is your my friend. You can turn to God by asking Him to come into your hearts and take control of your life. Behold I stand at the door and knock, if anyone hears my voice and opens the door I will come into him. - Revelations 3:20 Accepting Him into your life is a matter of choice and of course, trust.

God's Chisel

It is my prayer that this video has ministered to you just as it had to me.

Thursday, November 18, 2010

For the love of biking

It has already been more than a year since I took my interest in cycling to the next level. I have ridden in trails, went for long distance rides but more importantly, my bike became my preferred mode of transport. Yes, I am a bike commuter and I love every minute of it. Some of you may wonder why I would be willing to risk life and limb by hitting the perilous streets of Metro Manila, the answer is fairly simple really; it is cost efficient, it gets me to where I'm going and believe it or not; it is a lot safer than any motorized transport. There are a lot more accidents out there involving, cars, truck, motorcycles and what not.

I have saved a lot of money ever since I started riding my mountain bike to work and everywhere I go. Not to mention of course the fact that I always beat traffic. I lost a lot of weight as well; because it is a good form of exercise. Biking in the city still has some setbacks unfortunately. Lack of bike lanes and proper bike parking facilities are just two problems that we have to deal with. Since I love riding my bike so much, I don't let these set backs deter me from riding. If there's a will, there is always a way.

In today's society, a lot of people tend to look down upon people who commutes by bike. They think that it is unglamorous and not practical. They would think that you don't have money. If only more white collared people would ride their bikes to work everyday then the negative image that people have of bike commuters would drastically change and make a bigger impact. Don't get me wrong though; I have nothing against cars, and in some ways it is necessary for people to drive them. As for me though, I do what I can to promote clean air by saying that I am one less car. It is my dream that the Philippines would become a bike crazy country and have clean, breathable air for the generations to come. I can only hope for the better. So why do I ride my bike? Because I LOVE IT!
Where do you draw the line between judging others and exposing sin? This is a question which I have been asking my self for quite some time now. People always quote Matthew 7:1-5 where it says "Do not judge". This has got to be one of the most misused bible scriptures. people throw this passage a lot when they would hear somebody say something against someone or what that someone did. People like these only see one part of that bible passage. Verse 5 says "Hypocrite! First get rid of the log in your own eye: then you will see well enough to deal with the speck in your friend's eye." What this means is that we should not judge other people when we our selves are doing the same thing. Let me give a clear example: Let's say I saw someone who has stolen and I say to that person, Your a thief! It is wrong to steal but yet, I my self is doing the same thing. Now that is hypocritical! The bible says that we should judge our selves by God's standard first and repent from our sins before we can help others in dealing with their own sin.

There is a fine line between exposing and judging. Ephesians 5:11 says this: "Take no part in the worthless deeds of evil and darkness; instead EXPOSE them." How can people be aware of what they are doing is wrong if we don't tell them? Take a parent for example; if a child does something wrong a Parent would always tell that child that what he or she did was wrong so that they won't make the same mistake again. A child wouldn't know the difference between right and wrong unless we tell them. People would rather hear about God's love rather than his wrath against sin. If this is the case then we would be liable to God him self because we didn't tell others about the curse of sin. Issues like homosexuality, adultery, coveting etc. are topics that would offend people when they hear some preach against these things. They would say, "who do you think you are to tell me that I am wrong or how dare you judge me". The truth hurts but the truth will set them free if they listen to it. have you heard of the saying "the slap of a friend is sweeter than the kiss of an enemy."?

God called us into this world to be his light, and light exposes darkness. As Christians, we have a duty to Christ to be bearers of good news but we must also expose the works of satan in this world. Judging is not a sin if we judge ourselves first according to God's standard.

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Aiming to run.

Running was the very first sport that I was introduced to by my Dad when I was a child. Unfortunately, I wasn't the athletic type back then and I was to lazy. I easily got tired and could barely run even just a kilometer. I am now an adult and because of my fondness for sports, I am willing to give running another shot. This time though, I am determined to succeed. A good friend from church gave me a pair of Asics running shoes which I intend on using to get me started. I am just so fascinated by people who could run long distances and I often imagine my self doing that someday, Of course I really have to train and have the discipline and will power to do it. I am a cyclists and I can ride my bike in long distances. I figure that if I can do that on a bike, then I can also do it on foot.

I wish that my Dad was still alive and give me pointers now that I am determined to do it. My Dad was a runner and became a coach as well back in the 80's. I remember him joining a lot of marathons back in those days and would always finish it. My Dad was already old then but what admired me most was his ability to finish no matter how long it takes despite of his age. I want to become like him. I may not become a famous runner by finishing first, second or third, but my goal is to conquer my self and finish the race.

Monday, November 15, 2010

It's Monday again and the start of another week and an opportunity to minister to the national karatedo team. Today, the team learned the value of prayer in for their personal life and how to make it effective. Kuya Totie facilitated the discussions with supporting bible verses. It was such a joy to see a group of karate athletes pray for them selves as well as for their team.

The team also shared things on what they are thankful for in their lives. The Bible says to give thanks for everything, and that is exactly what these athletes did. They shared their joys and their set backs. Coach David Lay also mentioned the challenges that he is facing this year as a coach and as a son to his Mom who has stage four cancer. Despite of the predicaments that he is facing, He is still able to give thanks to Jesus and continue to put his faith in Him. Coach Maricar also shared some of her thoughts and feelings as a female coach which led her to tears. It is so amazing that athletes such as them are able to express what is in their hearts. Trully, the Lord works in ways you can never know and you will just be in awe at how He works in the lives of people, and that includes the national Karatedo Team.

Sunday, November 14, 2010

The Pastor Steve Ruetschle Chocolate Bar

I was so delighted yesterday when someone handed me a chocolate bar with pastor Steve's picture on the wrapper. This is actually a token of appreciation to the people who ushered during the Songs for Steve Concert last October 25, 2010 at Onstage Greenbelt One.

It's another wild Sunday for most Filipinos as they watch and scream over the fight of the year. As I am writing this blog, the world outside is going crazy over Manny Paquiao's fight against Margarito. Whoops! I just got a skype chat from my friend Craig who told me that Manny won. The crowd who was watching the match in out neighbor's house is starting to disperse already which signifies the end of the bout. I guess you're wondering why I am not one of the many who is watching. I'm not really sure why. maybe I'm just  tired of all the hype that people like Manny gets. Don't get me wrong though, I'm always happy every time a Filipino makes it big and brings honor to the country.

I'm an athlete my self and I love sports. Boxing is just not my cup of tea. I don't like the attitude that goes with the sport. Call me whatever you like but I am not one who would go crazy and be amused at people who mocks each other in pre-fight interviews. I guess I'm just so hooked on the respect that comes with traditional fighting arts like my sport Judo. My sport is so much different from boxing and mixed martial arts. It's probably the reason why I am not a boxing fan. It could also be my up bringing as a person. My parents always taught me the value of respect and honor as a child and that is something that I have always valued. Or there could be other reasons which I just can't point my finger to. Oh well. Congratulations, Manny Paquiao! You did it again! Now back to earth.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

I had the opportunity yesterday to visit the American Memorial Cemetery with my friend Arthur Duffy from who is here in the country from the United States. Arthur or Arty as we call him wanted to go there to visit the grave of his great uncle who fought for and died for his country during world war II. I don't really like going to cemeteries or any places that has to do with the departed but there was something different in that place compared to other grave yards. The American Cemetery is a memorial to soldiers who gave their lives in service to their country the United States of America. The place was actually beautiful even from the outside, It has a lot of white crosses on the grounds with the names of soldiers who were layed to rest there a long time ago.The cross includes their name and service number. In the heart of the cemetery is a memorial wall which contains the names of thousands of American soldiers who were missing in action. The wall states their branch of service in the military with their names and ranks. Certain names would be highlighted in gold which means that they have won the distinguished medal of valor which is the highest honor that a soldier could receive.

This is my friend Arty with his great uncle's tomb stone. Arty really looks proud of his uncle and I can understand why. He has never met his great uncle of course since he was killed way before Arty was even born, nevertheless, Arty was able to get close to a family member.

Thursday, November 11, 2010

This is one unforgettable highlight from my experience as a volunteer for the Philippine Animal Welfare Society (PAWS).
Today officially marks my fifth day of being stranded at home because of an irritated eye that really got me paralyzed and unable to do things that I would normally do. However, I am happy to announce that my eyes are better now and things will be going back to normal starting tomorrow. First thing on my agenda is to get back on my bicycle saddle and enjoy a ride and go to the gym to pump some iron. I was unable to function properly not just because my eyes were red and hurting but also because I couldn't wear my "expired" contact lenses and unable to see clearly. My contacts by the way were the reason why my eyes got infected in the first place (my bad).

My eyes are well now and I am so thankful for my friend Jennifer who was kind enough by buying me new lenses and dropping it off at my house. I feel so blessed to have friends like her who would go out of their way to help someone in need. Jennifer is one of the kindest people that you will ever meet. I feel like I'm starting the week late because of my temporary set back but you know what they say; Better late than never. Watch out, world! I'm back!